Friday, April 4, 2014

Second Project - Project Runway

For my second project, I decided to make a glove that had an LED turn signal that could be turned on and off using a switch.  The plan was to use LEDs and a switch, of course, but also a transistor.  Before spring break, I got it working on the breadboard, so over spring break, I started sewing everything into a glove using conductive thread.  The first issue that I encountered was getting 6+ LEDs (I felt I needed that many at least for a reasonable arrow pattern) sewed in, secured, in the right pattern.  I ultimately couldn't get that to work out (guess I'm not so good at sewing) and ended up just using one LED.  Using one LED sorta defeats the purpose, but I guess it's still a kind of proof of concept, with a blinking LED sewn into a glove that can be turned on and off.  If it works with one, it'd work with several if you could get them sewn in like you wanted.

So I finally finished with the one LED and it didn't work.  I was pretty sure that my issue was that I used too much thread (not insulated) and not enough wires or insulated thread.  It was going everywhere and touching in places it shouldn't be.  In addition to this making it not work, it also made the glove get tangled up and made it hard to see how things were hooked up.  I ended up cutting off a lot of excess thread and replacing it with wires, and finally it worked.

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